
Sawaed Organization-HIV and STIs through voluntary testing and counseling-Social Support- programs- Community Empowerment in Jordan- Free Medical and Social Support- Free HIV Testing & Counseling

Sawaed Organization-HIV and STIs through voluntary testing and counseling-Social Support- programs- Community Empowerment in Jordan- Free Medical and Social Support- Free HIV Testing & Counseling


FOCCEC covers all the costs of HIV tests, medical consultation, and STI treatment for the clients. In addition, to advocate for destigmatizing PLHIV and Kps, FOCCEC launches annual media campaigns that counter HIV-related stigma and discrimination and holds educational workshops about how to properly cope with prevalent HIV phobia for civil society organizations partners and community influencers such as religious leaders and media officers. In short, FOCCEC defends the sexual and reproductive health and rights of PLHIV and Kps through the comprehensive HIV program that concentrates on prevention, protection, and advocacy.
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Gender based violence

To emotionally empower people who suffered GBV, FOCCEC allows them to attend an emotional support group that consists of other GBV survivors. Additionally, If critical services that GBV survivors demand are not available at FOCCEC, then it will refer the beneficiaries to another organization or agency for further assistance.
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Sexual and Reproductive Health Program

FOCCEC plans to have a SRHR clinic to provide SRHR services to meet the needs of our affected communities and others in Jordan.
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Human Rights

FOCCEC also hosts workshops and provides awareness-raising campaigns to reduce stigma and discrimination and enhance community understanding of human rights.
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Drug Use Program

In addition, FOCCEC is an active advocate for admitting underage patients to both rehabilitation centers and canceling the 100-dinar penalty at one of the rehabilitation centers for anyone who discharges early and seeks readmission. FOCCEC advocates for the broad adoption of harm-reduction strategies in Jordan as well.
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