Drug Use Program

Sawaed Organization-Drug Use Program-Social Support- Community Empowerment in Jordan- Free Medical and Social Support- Free secret Testing & Counseling

Sawaed Organization-Drug Use Program-Social Support- Community Empowerment in Jordan- Free Medical and Social Support- Free secret Testing & Counseling

Drug Use Program

The Drug Use Program supports drug users by focusing on protection and rehabilitation, harm reduction, and advocacy. FOCCEC provides free psycho-social support services for drug users. Moreover, FOCCEC may refer any drug-addicted beneficiaries to two state-sponsored rehabilitation centers and those who have critical conditions to private psychiatrists for further treatment. FOCCEC provides aftercare services such as home visits after the beneficiaries are discharged from the rehabilitation centers. Furthermore, to carry out the harm-reduction strategies, FOCCEC provides tests for hepatitis B and C and organizes emotional support groups for ex-drug users. The Amman-based NGO was providing new syringes to the beneficiaries from the year 2014- 2017 to reduce HIV  and STI transmission, but the service was discontinued due to a lack of funds.