Saving a life

Success stories

Success stories

Saving a life

The story's owner's battle was not ordinary. It was his battle with his immune system, which was no longer able to protect him. His battle was with AIDS, yes AIDS, which knocked him down and made his body weak, unable to move or even speak. He was unable to express the pain, which he won with the support and help of those around him. He won for himself first.. and came out of it in a better condition.. The story began with his diagnosis of AIDS, and his referral to the Sawaeed Center by the Director of the National Program.. From here, another journey of suffering began.. A young Sudanese national whose presence in the country is illegal due to his illness, and any decision taken against him is nothing but a decision to deport him outside the country, but how?!... While he is not even able to move, the appropriate measures were quickly taken by the Sawaeed Center in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration to secure him in a hospital, as all private hospitals refused to receive him. The attempt was made again with one of the government hospitals and he was received in one of them and underwent many tests.. Then he began the treatment journey, as he was suffering from infections Acute respiratory and many opportunistic diseases that controlled his immune system and weakened him more and more.. Yes, each stage was a new difficult stage.. But it was a hope on the road to recovery and return to normal life..

The deportation decision...
It was difficult for us to admit that his presence was illegal in the country, as our first concern was to help a person we might lose at any moment!.. As for our second concern, it was linked to hope! .. Yes, hope that his health condition would improve and we could provide him with HIV treatment, so our concern was to make his presence legal.. The matter did not require more waiting.. And another journey began with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in an attempt to register him legally as a refugee, where he was interviewed and an official asylum card was issued for him, and thus his presence became legal, and he was referred to the doctor to provide him with the appropriate treatment for HIV in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, and he was also given a special treatment for tuberculosis. Until he was deported by the International Organization for Migration with a special medical escort with him throughout the journey...