populations (Kps) by focusing on prevention, protection, and advocacy. FOCCEC pursues prevention intervention by training outreach workers from the affected communities across Jordan. The five-day training will increase the trainee's knowledge of HIV and STIs prevention, enhance their outreach skills, and familiarize them with the outreach principles and ethics. Then the trained outreach workers will be qualified to hold awareness sessions and spread information education communication materials for target communities in Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, and Mafraq. The outreach workers also promote HIV prevention counseling services provided by FOCCEC counselors. By employing the aforementioned strategies, FOCCEC aims to make HIV prevention knowledge resources and services more accessible to PLHIV and Kps. To better address protection for the affected communities, FOCCEC collaborates with the private healthcare sector and the Ministry of Health (MoH) to conduct tests not available at FOCCEC, HIV medications, and medical consultations to the beneficiaries. If any beneficiary gets tested positive for HIV at FOCCEC, it will refer the person to the MoH for HIV medications and to physicians for medical counseling. In addition to that, the NGO will help beneficiaries seek medical interventions for STIs as needed.